Refund Policy

Effective date: 10/09/2019

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Data Scientist in 10 Weeks includes all the things I’ve had to learn over the past 5 years of becoming and working successfully as a Data Scientist.

This system is tried and true and will train you to become a fully-fledged data scientist if you’re ready to put in the work and follow the steps.

However, if after going through the first week of material, you feel that this course is not a right fit for you, we offer a 7-Day Money Back Guarantee contingent on completing and submitting the first week’s course material.

We really want to ensure that you have given the course content a try before requesting a refund, so we ask that you complete Week 1’s video course content and send in the assignments from Week 1 when asking for your refund.

No refunds will be processed after the 7-day period.

Please contact max @ to request a refund.

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